
Narrative of a Whaling Voyage Round the Globe, from the Year 1833 to 1836

Titre: Narrative of a Whaling Voyage Round the Globe, from the Year 1833 to 1836: Comprising Sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipelago, Etc. with an Account of Southern Whales, the Sperm Whale Fishery, and the Natural History of the Climates Visited, Volume 2
Auteur: Frederick Debell Bennett
Date: 1840
Éditeur: Richard Bentley – Londres
Chapitre II – Second visit to Santa Christina, Marquesas—Unfavourable prospects of the missionaries there—Selfish policy of the chief, Eutiti—War averted by the interference of the missionaries—Distillation of ardent spirits by the natives— Its dreaded effects—Endeavours to introduce a breed of ducks on the island—Departure—Visit Huahine—Description of the island—Settlement at Fare—Mr. BarfiL—Success of the coffee-plant grown on this soil—Captain Cook’s Shaddock tree—Third visit to Raiatea—Irnproved condition of the people—Their versatile character—Vigilance of the native police—Passage to Tahiti—Sir Charles Saunders Island— Eimeo—Domestic state of Tahiti—Laws prohibitory of the use of ardent spirits—Improved state of commerce—Meet with natives of the Palisser Islands—Journey to Mairipéhe —-Battle-field near Bunaauia—Morai of Paea—Remarkable caverns in the S.W. coast—Their probable origin—Curious sub-marine springs—Tati, governor of Papara, Great Morai of Maihatea—Excursion to the celebrated mountain-lake at Vaihiria—Village and harbour of Mairipéhe—Atinua – 21
Chapitre III – Cruise to the northward—Tetuaroa—Return to Tahiti to repair a leak—Native worship~—Observance of the Sabbath —The Ofai-marama or moon-stone—Visit of the Zebra — Remarks on missionary labours in Polynesia—Sail for England, by way of the Cape of Good Hope – 50
Type : Monographie imprimée
Langue : Anglais
Droits : Domaine public
Source : Library Leland Stanford Junior University
Agrégateur : Google Livres
Lien :


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Categories:   1840 - 1849, Anglais, îles Sous-le-Vent, Leland Stanford Junior University, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, Marquises, Société, Tahiti


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