
Man upon the sea (1858)

Titre : Man upon the sea : or, a history of maritime adventure, exploration, and discovery, from the earliest ages to the present time …
Auteur : Frank B. Goodrich (1826-1894)
Éditeur : J. B. Lippincott & Co – Philadelphie
Date : 1858
Sujet :
CHAPTER XXX.—Discovery of the Solomon Islands by Mendana—He seeks for them again Thirty Years later—Quiros—The Marquesas Islands—The Women compared with those of Lima—Strange Fruits—Conversions to Christianity — Arduous Voyage—Santa Cruz—Mendana exchanges Names with Malope—Hostilities—War, and its Results—Death of Mendana—Quiros conducts the Ships to Manilla 273
CHAPTER XXXIIL—Quiros’ Theory of a Southern Continent—His Arguments and Memorials—His First Voyage—Discoveries—Encarnacion—Sagittaria, or Tahiti—Description of these Islands—Manicolo—Espiritu Santo—Its Productions and Inhabitants—Quiros before the King of Spain—His Belief in his Discovery of a Continent—His Disappointment—Renewed Solicitations Death of Quiros 298
CHAPTER XLI—The First Scientific Voyage of Circumnavigation—The Dolphin and Tamar—Byron in Patagonia—Falkland Islands—Islands of Disappointment—Arrival at Tinian—Byron versus Anson—The Voyage Home Wallis and Carteret—Their Observations in Patagonia—Wallis at Tahiti – A Desperate Battle—Nails lose their Value—A Tahitian Romance—Pitcairn’s Island — Queen Charlotte’s Islands—New Britain — The Voyage Home— A Man-of-War Destroyed by Fire 391
CHAPTER XLII.—Colonization of the Falkland Islands—Antoine de Bougainville—His Voyage around the World—Adventure at Montevideo—The Patagonians—Taking Possession of Tahiti—French Gallantry—Ceremonies ofReception—Sojourn at the Island—Aotourou—The First Female Circumnavigator—Famine on Board—Remarkable Cascade—Arrival at the Moluccas Incidents there—Return Home 407
CHAPTER XLIIL—Expedition despatched at the Instance of the Royal Society—Lieutenant James Cook—Incidents of the Voyage—A Night on Shjre in Terra del Fuego—Arrival at Tahiti—The Natives pick their Pockets—The Observatory—A Native chews a Quid of Tobacco—The Transit of Verus—Two of the Marines take unto themselves Wives—New Zealand—Adventuresthere— Remarkable War-Canoe — Cannibalism demonstrated — Theory of a Southern Continent subverted—New Holland—Botany Bay—The Endeavor on the Rocks — Expedient to stop the Leak — A Conflagration —Passage through a Reef—Arrival at Batavia—Mortality on the Voyage Home—Cook promoted to the Rank of Commander 416
CHAPTER XLIV.—Cook’s Second Voyage—A Storm—Separation of the Ships—Aurora Australis—New Zealand—Six Water-Spouts at once—Tahiti again—Petty Thefts of the Natives—Cook visits the Tahitian Theatre—Omai – Arrival at the Friendly Islands—The Fleet witness a Feast of Human Flesh—The New Hebrides—New Caledonia—Return Home—Honors bestowed upon Cook 432
CHAPTER XLV.—Cook’s Third Voyage—The Northwest Passage—Omai—His Reception at Home—The Crew forego their Grog—Discovery of the Sandwich Islands—Nootka Sound—The Natives—Cape Prince of Wales—Two Continents
in Sight—Icy Cape—Return to the Sandwich Islands—Cook is deified —Interview with Tereoboo—Subsequent Difficulties—A Skirmish—Pitched Battle and Death of Cook—Recovery of a Portion of his Remains—Funeral Ceremonies—Life and Services of Cook 441
Langue : Anglais
Type : Monographie imprimée
Droits : Domaine public
Source : Boston Public Library
Identifiant : ark:/13960/t6543tq39
Lien :



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Categories:   1850 - 1859, Anglais, (USA), Boston Public Library, îles Sous-le-Vent, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, Marquises, Société, Tahiti


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