
Extracts from the Letters and Journal of Daniel Wheeler : While Engaged in a Religious Visit to the Inhabitants of Some of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean

Titre : Extracts from the Letters and Journal of Daniel Wheeler: While Engaged in a Religious Visit to the Inhabitants of Some of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Dieman’s Land, New South Wales, and New Zealand, Accompanied by His Son, Charles Wheeler – Partie 1
Auteur : Daniel Wheeler
Editeur : Joseph Rakestraw – Philadelphie
Date : 1840
Sujet : 
Sail from Sidney—meetings on ship board—arrive off Norfolk Island—parting with James Backhouse and George Washington Walker—sail for the Society Islands—equinoctial gale—enter the Torrid Zone—Maitea—ar rive at Tahiti—first interview with the natives—visit from the king— prohibition of ardent spirits—meeting of the missionaries and natives at Papaoa,
Tahiti—visit of chiefs—the young king—meeting for sailors—distribution of tracts, Bibles, &c.—temperance ships—introduction of ardent spirits— visit to the schools—attend the native meeting—visiters on board—John Davies—meeting on board—importance of translating and circulating the Scriptures—Tahitian council—native meeting,
Visit to Punaauia—native meeting—kindness of the principal chief—Point Venus—perilous situation—Tiarei-native meeting—meeting at Point Venus—visit to Taiarapu–Papara—beautiful scenery—school at Teahupoo-meeting of the natives—letter from the native congregation— favoured opportunity—native meeting at Papara—return to the “Henry Freeling”—letter from the queen of Tahiti,
Set out for Tautira—a native feeding—meetings at Tautira—visit to Hitea-a solemn opportunity—public meeting—return to the “Henry Freeling »—meeting for the white residents—obstructions to the progress of religion—visit to the queen—meeting for the white residents on board the “Henry Freeling”—letters from home—distribution of books—meeting on board the “Charles Carroll,”
An old acquaintance—visit from missionaries—Baron de Thierry—second meeting on board the “Charles Carroll”—a sick stranger—meeting in the chapel—sail for Eimeo—letters from home—fall of a mast—arrive at Eimeo—native school—native meeting—demoralizing influence of foreigners—iniquitous traffic in spirits,
Meeting with the native children at Papetoai–visit to Afareaitu—meetings there and at Matea—a Marai—return to the “Henry Freeling”—meeting on board—native meeting—the unity of the brethren—a warning against intemperance—meeting with the mission families—sail for Huahine—prohibition of spirits there—native meeting—an invitation from the pilot—social meeting of the authorities—native meeting—distribution of tracts—sail for Raiatea,
Raiatea—arrival at Uturoa—native meeting—a place of human sacrifice— meeting at Tahaa—a native feeding—Bolabola—desolating effects of in temperance—native meeting—meeting with the rebel chief and his idolatrous party—native meeting—wretchedness of the inhabitants—distribution of clothing—sail for the Sandwich Islands…
Type : Monographie imprimée
Langue : Anglais
Droits : Domaine public
Source : Andover Harvard Theological Library
Agrégateur : Google Livres


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Categories:   1840 - 1849, Andover Harvard Theological Library, Anglais, Google Books, îles Sous-le-Vent, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, Société, Tahiti


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