
Eastern Pacific lands – Tahiti and the Marquesas islands

Titre : Eastern Pacific lands – Tahiti and the Marquesas islands
Auteur : Frederick William Christian (1867-?)
Date : 1910
Éditeur : Robert Scott – Londres
Sujet : Description de la vie sur les îles de la Société et des Marquises
1 New Zealand to Tahiti
2 Scenery and Topography
3 Moorea
4 The Marquesas Group .
5 The Marquesas Group (continued)
6 The Three Highways of Hiva-Oa
7 The Three Highways of Hiva-Oa (continued)
8 The Three Highways of Hiva-Oa (continued)
9 Hiva-Oa to Tahuata
10 Fatu-Hiva ….
11 Hiva-Oa to Nuku-Hiva .
12 Nuku-Hiva to Uauna .
13 Nuku-Hiva to Uauna (continued)
14 Uauna to Nuku-Hiva .
15 Visit of H.M.S.  » Hyacinth  » to Taiohae—Departure for Tahiti by  » The Tropic Bird  »  .183
16 Rarotonga, its People and its Present Condition 193
(2) Some Notes on the Natives of Tahiti, the Paumotus and the marquesas …. 195
(3) Tahitian Canoes 199
(4) The Arioi or Strolling Players of Tahiti . 201
(5) The Valleys of the Marquesas and their Clans 203
(6) List of Marquesan Tabus or Prohibitions . 206
(7) Marquesan Plants and Trees …. 207
(8) Marquesan Shells, Ferns and Mosses . . 215
(9) Notes on—
(a) Area and Population of—
(1) Tahiti 216
(2) The Paumotu or Low Archipelago 217
(3) The North and South Marquesas 218
(#) The Climate and Prevailing Winds of the above three groups . . . 2l8
(10) Trade Notes on Tahitian Imports and Exports 219
(11) Supplement to Trade Notes …. 221
Names of Natural Objects—Land, Sea, Water, Fire 227
Domestic Life—Canoe, Oven, Cooking . . 228
(1) Names of Animals—Insects, Freshwater Creatures,
(2) Fishes, Marine Creatures, Birds,
Plants, Food-stuffs….
(3) The Wheel, Ball and Circle in Eastern Polynesia ……
Langue : Anglais
Type : Monographie imprimée
Droits : Domaine public
Identifiant : easternpacificla00chri
Identifiant ark : 13960/t8tb28g1q
Source : Brigham Young University Hawaii, Joseph F. Smith Library
Agrégateur :




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Categories:   1910 - 1919, Anglais, (USA), Brigham Young University, îles Sous-le-Vent, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, Marquises, Société, Tahiti, Tuamotu


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