
Baignade en rivière – Pottier (1855)

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Titre : Four Tahitian women bathing in a stream
Dessinateur : H.J.A. Pottier 
Date : 1855
Sujet : Four Tahitian women bathing in a stream
Langue : Anglais
Type : Dessin à l’encre sur papier
Droits : Domaine public
Identifiant : E-548-019
Source : Alexander Turnbull Library / National Library of New Zealand
Lien :

[Pottier, H J A] fl 1855 :Taiti, le 1…Jui.. 1855.
Reference Number: E-548-019
Shows four Tahitian women bathing in a stream, while two sailors point at them from a bridge in left background. Palm trees grow around.
Key terms: 1 image, categorised under Group portraits, Ethnographic images and Ink drawings, related to H J A Pottier, Monsieur Sergent, Tahiti, Sailors, French – Tahiti, Nudes, Tahiti – Social life and customs, Women, Tahitian, Bathing customs and Palms.
Part of: Pottier, H J A fl 1855 :Souvenirs de Taiti. [Album. 1854-56]., Reference Number E-548 (5 digitised items)
Extent: 1 drawing(s) in sketchbook.Ink on paper 139 x 191 mm, stuck to page 215 x 273 mm.. Horizontal imageSingle art work
Conditions governing access to original: Partial restriction – Use photographic copy in preference to original.
Other copies available: Colour laser printIn Drawings & Prints under Artist/Title (DFP-010118)
Inscriptions: Inscribed – Recto – bottom left: [Title]; Recto – beneath image: Taiti
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Categories:   1850 - 1859, Anglais, Dessins & gravures, National Library of New Zealand, Société, Tahiti

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