
The boy travellers – Austalasia (1889)

Titre : The Boy travellers. Austalasia
Auteur : Thomas W. Knox
Éditeur : Harper & Brothers – New York
Date : 1889
Sujet : Les aventures de deux jeunes voyageurs , de Hawai au Sud de l’Australie, en passant par les Marquises et les îles de la Société. Nombreuses illustrations.
Sudden Change of Plans.—The Yacht  » Pera. »—Departure from Honolulu.—Voyage to the Marquesas Islands.—Nookaheeva Bay.—Historical Account of the Marquesas.—What our Friends Saw there. —Tattooing and how it is Performed. —The Daughter of a Chief. —Natives and their Peculiarities.—Cotton and other Plantations.—Physical Features of the Islands.—Visiting a Plantation and a Native Village. —Missionaries and their Work.—The Tabu.—Curious Customs.—Pitcairn Island and the Mutineers of the  » Bounty. »—Wonders of Easter Island.—Gigantic Monuments of an Unknown Race 47
Froa|{ the Marquesas to the Society Islands. —The Great Barrier Reef.—The Coral Insect and his Work.—Atolls and their Peculiarities. —Origin of the Polynesian People. —Arrival at Papeiti. —On Shore in Tahiti. —A Brief History of the Islands. —Work of the Missionaries.—The French Occupation.—Victims for Sacrifice. —Old-time Customs. — Products of the Society Islands.—Beche-de-mer Fishing. —Visit to the Reef.—Curious Things seen there. —Adventures with Sharks, Stingarees, and other Monsters.—Gigantic Clams.—Visiting the Market. —Eating Live Fishes. —A Native Feast. —Excursion to Point Venus 74
From the Society to the Samoan Islands.—Before the Trade-winds.—Notes about the Missionaries. Opposition of Traders to Missionaries.— How Polynesia was Christianized.—The Work of the Missions.—Rev. John Williams.—Romantic Story of the Hertey Group.— The London Missionary Society.—The Wesleyan and other Missions.—Death of Mr. Williams.—Sandal-wood Traders.—Polynesian Slavery.—Labor-vessels and the Labor-trade. —How Natives were Kidnapped.— » The Missionary Trick. »—The Mutiny on the  » Carl. » —Capture of the « Daphne. »—How Labor is Obtained at Present Page 99
Illustrations :

On the Coast of the Marquesas 53
A View in Nookaheeva 55
Gattanewa’s Portrait 56
Tattoo Marks on a Chief of the Marquesas 57
The Chief’s Daughter 59
A European’s Residence in the Marquesas 61
A Marquesan Village 63
Catholic Missionary 64
In a Gale near the Marquesas 65
Commodore Porter’s Fleet in Nookaheeva Bay 66
Easter Island House and Children 67
Lava Rock Image, Easter Island 68
Easter Island Man 69
Easter Island Woman 70
Stone Tablet of Character Writing 71
Stone Platform for Images 72
Coast Scenery, Tahiti 74
Specimen of Coral 75
The Coral Worm 76
On the Shore of the Lagoon 77
A Cabin in the Suburbs 78
The Coast in a Storm 79
A French Bishop 81
View in an Orange-grove 82
Native Bamboo House, Tahiti 83
Natives of the Society Islands Fisliing 84
A Sea-urchin 85
The Bottom of the Lagoon 86
Sea-anemone and Hermit-crab  87
Hermit-crab and Sea-shell 88
View among the Coral Branches 89
A Fish inside a Sea-slug 90
Coralline 91
Octopus, or Devil-fish 92
Stingaree, or Sea-devil 92
Garden of a Suburban Residence 93
Gathering Oranges for the Feast 95
Tamarind-tree at Point Venus 97
A Grove of Cocoanut -trees 98
Running before the Trade- winds 99
Langue : Anglais
Type : Monographie imprimée
Droits : Domaine public
Identifiant ark : 13960/t48p6fh4k
Source : Boston University
Numérisation : School of Theology, Boston University
Agrégateur :
Lien :


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Categories:   1880 - 1889, Anglais, (USA), Boston University, îles Sous-le-Vent, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, Marquises, Océanie / Pacifique, Société, Tahiti

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