An Authentic Narrative of a Voyage Performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke (1783)

Titre : An Authentic Narrative of a Voyage Performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty’s Ships Resolution and Discovery, During the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780: In Search of a North-west Passage Between the Continents of Asia and America. Including a Faithful Account of All …
Auteur : William Ellis
Editeur : G. Robinson, J. Sewell and J. Debrett
Date : 1783
Sujet : Volume 1 de An Authentic Narrative of a Voyage Performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty’s Ships Resolution and Discovery, During Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780: In Search of a Northwest Passage Between the Continents of Asia and America, Including a Faithful Account of All Their Discoveries, and the Unfortunate Death of Captain Cook, William Ellis.
Chapitre 10 – Leave the Friendly IJles—the Discovery carries aivay her main-top- majl in a squall—discover an island—some of the natives put off-
— a floors description of them and the isand—continue our course to Otaheitee-
— and anchor in Ohitapeah harbour—receive intelligence of the Spaniards having been there — who had erected a house and cross on shore—leave three of their people there, and depart for Lima
— they return, and after a fort fay take away those they had left and again depart for Lima—Orette, the friend of Mr. Bougainville, visits us
— some account of the ‘ place—the Moral of Wyeatuah—ungenerous behaviour of the Spaniards respecting us—leave Ohitapeah, and arrive at Matavai bay—Otoo visits the captains. (page 119).
Chapitre 11 – Omai finds his fijler married—her husband’s behaviour—he is led into temptation, and turned out of the ship
—the natives very in genious at fabricating stories—an instance of it—the people of Otaheitee engaged in a war with those of Imaio
—the cause of that war—a human sacrifice is offered to she god of war by Tohaw
-some description of the place of sacrifice—Tohaw and his friends Potatow and Tapaow, fail for Imaio—Otoo’s behaviour—is threatened by Tohaw—we fail for Imaio
—the natives seal two of our goats— arrival at Huaheine—lose one of our quadrants — the thief taken — threatens Omai, and is again confined—but makes his escape—arrival at Uriatea
—two of our people leave the ships—are at length taken
—leave Uriatea, andfleer for Bora-bora-some account of the society of Arreois.(page 135)
Chapitre 12 – Departfrom the Society Isles—discover a low sandy island— catch many fish and turtle — nearly lose two os the Discovery’s men
—leave the island—description of it—amazing socks of birds—proceed to the northward—fee more land—anchor off (page 162).
Type : Monographie imprimée
Droits : Domaine public
Source : New York Public Library
Agrégateur : Google Livres
Lien :
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Categories: 1780 - 1789, Anglais, Google Books, îles Sous-le-Vent, Livres, périodiques & bulletins, New York Public Library, Océanie / Pacifique, Société, Tahiti
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