A Collection of voyages round the world : performed by Royal authority – Volume II

Titre : A Collection of voyages round the world : performed by Royal authority : containing a complete historical account of Captain Cook’s first, second, third and last voyages, undertaken for making new discoveries.
A new, genuine, and complete history of the whole of Captain Cook’s voyages, undertaken and performed by Royal Authority. Volume II.
Auteur : George William Anderson
Date : 1790
Editeur : A Millar, W. Law and R. Cater – Londres
Sujet : Récit des voyages de Cook.
Langue : Anglais
Droits : Domaine publique
Identifiants : collectionofvoya02cook / ark:/13960/t6057v07j
Numérisation : MSN
Source : University of California Libraries
Lien : https://archive.org/details/collectionofvoya02cook
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Categories: 1790 - 1799, Anglais, Archive.org (USA), Dessins & gravures, Société, Tahiti, University of California Libraries
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